Wednesday, 21 October 2015

A Tired Mr Hornbill

Oriental pied-hornbill
Anthracoceros albirostris

Rare encounter with a wild hornbill. It gave me almost a full two minutes of posing time. How I wish at this point I had better equipment.
Mr Hornbill looks a bit tired and lethargic, hope it is not ill. This majestic bird can often be spotted in island like Pulau Ubin. To spot it in close proximity in the city is really rare. 

If you happened to spot one of them, please just admire them for afar, don't attempt to have them captive. They are gifts from mother nature, not your pet!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Breakfast at 8

Invited to a impromptu food tasting new breakfast menu at Loading Bay The Bistro, could not resist taking a few shots before tasting. 

PS: I am not a food blogger